REG NO. 1999 / 023927 / 06
about us
C Capital Company Ltd was formed by the amalgamation of several well established Micro finance branches into a “single lender” structure through the vision and drive of Johan Keyser the group’s CEO.  C Capital was originally formed in 1999 but changed its name to C Capital Co Ltd in August 2001. It has been involved in the micro finance industry through all the changes and developments from the old Usury Act to the new National Credit Act (Act 34 of 2005).

Our Vision

C Capital is committed to consistently strive to expand its product range and services to the market through its agents and thereby become a major credit grantor in the SMM (Small Medium and Micro) market.

Registered Credit Provider

C Capital Company Ltd is a registered Credit provider under the National Credit Act (Act 34 of 2005). C Capital makes use of Credit Agents in terms of section 1 and 163 of the NCA, thereby allowing C Capital to have a unique group structure with the lendor and agent. All credit agents are appointed by head office and are strictly monitored in terms of adherence to the requirements of the NCA as well as group policies and procedures.  C Capital owns the Trade name of Microsure and all agents appointed by C Capital are afforded the opportunity to trade under this name. For more on agents and branches, please visit: www.microsure.co.za.


Johan Keyser (Managing Director)

Appointed as CEO and chairman of the board, Johan was the founder and visionary for the group.  He has been involved in the micro finance industry for over 25 years and has transitioned the group through the many changes in the Micro lending landscape within South Africa.

Piet Stadler (Non Executive Director)

Appointed to the board in 2008, Mr Stadler was a founding member of the group in 1999 and has a well established branch operating in the Northern KZN area.

Maranda van Zyl (Non Executive Director)

Appointed to the board in 2008, Mrs van Zyl was also a founding member of the group in 1999 and she has 2 well established branches operating in the Northern Cape and North West provinces.

Adrian McMillan (Financial Manager)

Adrian started consulting to the group in February 2001.  He was appointed to the board as Financial Director in October 2002, but resigned in April 2010.  He now consults to the group and manages the group’s accounts. Adrian was instrumental in the restructuring of the group and facilitated the implementation thereof.  He is responsible for the financial affairs of C Capital, the wholly owned branches as well as several of the Agents.
Our Head office is situated at:
167 Morcom Road, Prestbury, Pietermaritzburg, Kwa-Zulu Natal
Postal address:
Postnet Suite 35, P/Bag X8, Cascades, Pietermaritzburg, 3202
TEL: (033) 940 2227/8
Email: reception@ccapital.co.za